Asnate Bockis

Latvian artist flirting with Dutch Design

Siroop Rotterdam 2015

writing, research, public space, graphicAsnate Bockis

Siroop Rotterdam was a year long investigation into the wild natural treasures hiding behind the concrete and the bricks of the industrial city of Rotterdam — in particular its neighbourhood Delfshaven. This project was a collaboration between the design collective Contemporary Wild and the social café Stroop Rotterdam. 

Each month in 2015, a socially activating workshop was organised to gather plants and create a local, seasonal syrup during one afternoon. All participants of the workshop received a bottle of self-made syrup and the rest of the bottles were sold in the store of Stroop Rotterdam. The outcome was a series of 12 syrups that captured the complete rainbow of tastes in Rotterdam— an abstract portrait of a place, expressed through flavour. 

This publication is an overview of our discoveries and a catalogue of local tastes. We hope it will inspire people and serve as a guidebook to explore and continue to discover the little-known greenery of cities. 

NOTE: This publication represents the seasonal cycle of 2015 in Rotterdam. The year 2015 in Rotterdam began with a mild winter. Spring was cold and stayed for a long time. The summer started with an unexpected heat wave in July, and was followed by a long warm autumn. Winter never came back. This and the next years might be very different, therefore don’t take the given schedule for granted. Use this book as a reference, but keep your senses sharp- they will be your best guide.

Print on paper, soft cover, 140x197mm, 72 pages

Published by Publication Studio Rotterdam

Supported by Municipality Rotterdam Delfshaven